Asbestos Testing & Abatement

What Is Asbestos?

Asbestos is naturally found in the environment, typically in soil or rock. It’s a collective group made up of six types of minerals that have heat-resistant qualities. They’re also resistant to corrosion and electricity. These qualities made them ideal additives to building and construction materials to give them strength and make them more insulating. They were widely used in the U.S. until the 1980s. Asbestos is still used in the U.S. today, but it is highly regulated.

Why Is It a Concern?

Asbestos exposure is tied to cancer, mainly Mesothelioma, but has also been known to cause lung, ovarian, and laryngeal cancers. Other diseases related to asbestos exposure include:


Pleural effusions


Pleural plaques

Pleural thickening


Symptoms of Exposure to Asbestos

Some of the symptoms that can be associated with exposure to asbestos include the following:

Pain in the chest or shoulder

Extreme fatigue

Persistent cough


Shortness of breath

Swollen fingertips

Our Asbestos Services

Mirage International, Inc. is highly experienced with asbestos testing and abatement. Here’s what we can do:

Asbestos Testing: We’ll determine whether asbestos contamination is present by taking samples from various areas of a building or material within an area.

Asbestos Removal: When total removal of asbestos containing materials (ACM) is required for renovation or demolition of areas or total building demolition. Licensed professionals are required for this application.

Asbestos Consulting: Consultation with clients to perform a variety of services to manage air quality in locations where this may be of concern including total asbestos surveys, operations & maintenance programs, contract over-site, and abatement. 

Asbestos AHERA: (Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act-1986) This area is of concern to all schools, both public and private, which contain asbestos (Kindergarten thru high school), usually built before 1978. They are required to have an asbestos management plan, operations & maintenance program, and inspection report. These schools are federally required to have re-inspections every three years and written periodic surveillance reports every six months. 

In need of an experienced asbestos abatement team? Book one by calling 405-879-9788

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